About Us
Who we are
The Portal is a registered non-profit charitable organization that is a resource centre for Annapolis Valley youth age 16-24 who are at risk with a special focus on those currently experiencing homelessness.
All youth in the Annapolis Valley have a safe, supportive, and a loving home.
To Reduce the number of youth experiencing homelessness in the Annapolis Valley and prevent further youth from becoming homeless.
Supports We Provide
Safe Space for youth
Outreach to youth
YIT from Care (12 + years)
Access to Essentials
Supportive Counselling
Programs to build resiliency
Advocacy and Access to other services
Connection to rapid re-housing
Outdoor Discovery
Skill Building- Community Service
Edge on Employment (18- 26 years)
Love & Mercy - We value the power of unconditional love and mercy in reaching youth.
Respect - We respect the worth and dignity of each person and their unique story.
Community - We value community, believing that each individual needs and contributes to community.
Partnership - We believe that we can only achieve our mission through sincere collaboration and teamwork within the community.
Basic Rights - We believe that youth have the right to shelter, food, healthcare, education, and a sense of belonging in a safe family environment.
Youth Engagement - We value the input and partnership of youth in the seeking of solutions to community problems.
Through partnerships that increase family supports and education
Connections to community to understand available resources and community needs. We do this through Community Hubs. Click HERE to read more.
Programming that is youth centred, simple and direct
Rapid Re-housing
Via family reunification or client centred supportive living including host homes, supervised apartments and supportive housing
Holistic approach to care using multiple services and supports and integrating this into a care plan individualized for each specific youth
The Portal Youth Outreach Association (formerly under a different name), a non-profit charitable organization, was born in 2008 following concerns raised by individuals through a series of roundtable discussions. The input from a cross section of stakeholders resulted in the identified needs of over 100 homeless individuals in the community, many in Kentville. A great number of these were youth and young adults. Thanks goes to Valley Gate Church for caring enough to start the organization. In 2010, at the invitation of the province, The Portal Youth Outreach Association took on the task of providing outreach support to youth at risk. Now, The Portal plays a significant role in advocating for youth and providing support for youth throughout the Annapolis Valley.
The Portal has effective partnerships with many youth serving government and non-government organizations. The Portal Youth Outreach Program has navigated over 1000 youth through the system to access support. Many faced homelessness and the risk of homelessness. The Portal receives partial funding from DCS, Prevention and Early Intervention, Child, Youth and Family Supports (DCS’ Child Welfare program). The program has been in operation since 2012 in communities across Nova Scotia. The aim of the program is to improve the immediate and long-term social, economic, educational and health outcomes for youth between the ages of 16 and 24 facing environmental, social, and family conditions that may impact their safety, hinder their personal development and prevent their transition into adulthood as healthy and productive citizens.