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Host Home Program

Note: At this time, we are currently not accepting applications

Host homes are safe, nurturing and supportive homes in the community that welcome youth aged 16-19 that are at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness.


  • There are on average 60-100 youth experiencing homelessness in the Annapolis Valley every night.

  • Youth leave their homes for many reasons most commonly, it is not safe for them

  • Youth homelessness increases the chance that these youth will not complete school, will become victims of crime and exploitation, will experience increased mental and physical health challenges.

  • The cost of youth homelessness, if not addressed, in the community are far reaching including increased costs for criminal justice and health care systems. 

Help a youth step towards a brighter future
Become a Host Home!

The Process

What Hosts Provide

- A private bedroom for youth

- Access to food

- Welcoming environment

Hosts will house a youth for varying amounts of time that is determined by the host home from 2 weeks to 1 year. 

Hosts and youth will be able to meet each other before agreeing to a move in. 

Hosts will be able to contact the Community Engagement Coordinator or the youth outreach worker if the youth has needs that arise. 

If you have a spare room or basement suite and you are a safe person, you could be a host home. 

Mother and Daughter in Farm

1. Apply to be a Host Home

2. We will reach out to you to set a team to meet and get to know you 

3. We will screen your application

4. Once accepted there will be training and orientation

5. The Portal will offer you ongoing support 

Host Home Experiences Around the World

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